Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ashes to Ashes

I arranged a concept shoot with Ash which changed (as these things do) at the moment we began to shoot.
We opted for a slightly more interesting and artistic concept which worked out amazingly well.
Shot in my new home studio space exclusively with a diffused ring-light.
Makeup by Aaron Wozlowski, hair by Brendan at Beauty-A-Go-Go.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Anna Kras - New Face

Anna Kras is a relatively new face, another gem found in the mayhem.
A genuine beautiful person she has the face, height and drive to make a good name for herself.
For her test we decided on a genuine rock approach.
Lit with two shoot through brollies, ring-light and a string of xmas lights for effects.
Makeup by Aaron Wozlowski.
Hair design and photo assistant - Ken Werner

gonna have to face it

Did a shoot with Britt from NEXT models after being in conversation for about a year, finally our schedules synced and it was worth the wait.
The concept was straight out of the 80's Robert Palmer Video, Addicted to Love, but modernized with a fresher face and processed in high-key black and white.
Shot with a ring-light, diffuser, silver reflector and lots of love.
Hair by Melanie Tremblay at Mink Makeup Arts, assisted by Ashley @ BMC.  Hair by Brendan at Beauty-A-Go-Go

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Starting what I hope will be a good journey

I am waiting to hear back about a possible shoot in a few days (wednesday) and maybe a last minute shoot for tomorrow.
I also have a shoot set up with Erin on Sunday, details to follow.
My website should be up by mid month and I have sewn about 5 new outfits which need to be shot and sold on ETSY.
In the meanwhile, here are a few of my favourites from my most recent shoot with Natasha @ Liz Bell Agency.
Hair by Ken Werner and Makeup by Melanie Tremblay.